Cartoon: "
Dalla coda riconosci la volpe" — Recognize the fox by her tail
Written over a year ago, yet—as if the cartoonist were channeling a message about Election Day, USA.
Or—could it be that the good brother from another realm is picking up signals from a deceitful Fox of a very different magnitude of con artistry?
Below the cartoon is this month's mini-essay of quotations. Title is in the artist's lettering, and seems to read, "
Conosco più d'un gatto ch' è disposto a vende er fumo pè magnà l'arrosto"
That may be a bit off, or the problem with translating could be abbreviations or slang. But the idea seems to be, "Know that more than one cat is ready to sell smoke as a tasty roast."
Yes: all good advice, and easily applied to our elections tomorrow.
A couple of other apt thoughts, from the daily almanac:
Da giudice che pende – giustizia invan s'attende
From a hanging judge – one expects justice in vain
Which sure will fit anyone falling for the
manipulations of the ultra-rich—instead of having the sense to vote in the interest of themselves, and practically everyone else.
Then there's:
Ricordare storie vecchie – fa venire collera nuova
Remembering old stories brings new anger.
Good advice for our Confederate voters—if only they would heed it.
Especially when—as so often—the meaning of "stories" is really, "
Among this month's Spiritual Thoughts:
L'unico modo per rimanere fedeli al futuro consiste nel non tradire il presente. (A. Pronzato).
The only way to remain faithful to the future is to not betray the present.