Monday, November 5, 2012

Government Work

Here we are: on the eve of an election that follows over thirty years and and unknown millions invested in turning anti-government propaganda into mainstream narrative.

November 6 is mere days after a disaster that kind of illustrates the need for effective government.

As it happens, Sister J, the brother-in-law, and I drove west from the East Coast in time to beat the storm, just two days after the funeral of our 93-year old father. We were lucky to have plenty of warning, through FEMA alerts and local governors' advance state of emergency declarations.

We brought back family photos and whatever priority items we could get in the short time available. J is now the keeper of a World War II veteran's army memorabilia, mostly printed. There's a lot that needs to be scanned at some future time; it's fascinating material, and a reminder of how valued "government work" once was.

For now, here are a couple of items.

The letterhead is from a WWII posting for ordinance training; graphic detail is in the style of an engraving—
These are from a couple of decades later [enlarged from a 2 x 5" ticket folder]—