This time, the illustration style and settings are 1950-ish. But this may have been a reprint: pages are completely clean and unyellowed, plus floral borders have the look of something added later.

All my days are pretty much spoken for—though I am hardly as cheerful about my tasks as the little housefrau in training is about hers.
It happens that a day of rest is missing from my set—though I assumed that too would involve duty.
I still don't know what book these are from, but I've found someone with the same illustrations, used this way.
Not my taste; I prefer the unadorned versions, for the bright colors, illustration style and household object details (if not for the stereotypical content).
But now I know the last rhyme—
SundayThis is a cluttered and even more sentimentalized use of the illustration than the original, but here's Sunday—if without good detail (or a decent look at the tea set)—
From all tasks we're free
After church we have our tea