Saturday, June 28, 2014

Uneasy ...

A second-hand Japanese product...
... with quite a tale to tell—
After that build-up, it might seem the lemons should squeeze themselves.

But directions do appear...
... along with the usual extensive documentation and analysis of product features.
Perhaps the theme should be more like, Easy there, Pal!

After all, you have to wonder what the utensils might get up to, as soon as your back is turned... seeing as how the manufacturer needs to assure you that your "living partner" has "a mild heart"—

Sunday, June 22, 2014

SEAVICE Rendered

Fashions come and go. Adding up the years, I get a frightening total of 30 since I lived (and bought T-shirts) in Japan. Fashions come and go, yet some things do not change.
Don't make fun of weak or old people.

Yes, if it's the fourth Sunday in June, it's time for the annual Japanese flea market.

Another 30 years ago thing: I remember his product endorsements in magazine ads. Though the technology may be out of date, I'm confident that, in some format or other, he will continue selling English lessons from beyond the grave.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Sadly, the only local non-chain dollar store closed this spring. When the store was forced out of its original space last year, the owner moved to a much smaller space to stay in the neighborhood. Unfortunately, stock space and business decreased too much for him to make a go of the location. 

It was a shame to see him and his family go. He was a good buyer, and I'll miss the possibility of surprise his stock offered.

I'll also miss having purchases put into bags from unknown supermarkets, located somewhere or other. These, like the stock, must have been bought in close-out lots.

Bags varied from trip to trip, and this one was the best.
Such happy throwback people...

Sunday, June 1, 2014