After managing to breathe for a couple of days, the work week already looms; tomorrow, it's back to being expected to juggle thirty things at once, while bending over backwards to please those with unreasonable expectations...
Though I'm far from graceful at it, I'm reminded of—

Well, with my boss' negligence causing a pile of backlogged "priority" work to get to me at the last possible moment before the holiday, I know what awaits tomorrow—and the only thing spinning in the cubicle will be my head.
"Plate-spinning" image is c. 1970s—from a set of eleven post cards, published by Shanghai People's Publishing House—

At least this is not in my job description—
Cycling act
A douze sur une bicyclette |
(The French caption clued me in; I had to really look, to see the
twelfth person...)
Some other acts—
Acrobatics on poles
Acrobaties á la perche |
Balancing on a ladder
Equilibre sur une échelle |
Less strenuous, perhaps, but I like the way the performers are just so perky, as they go about The People's entertainment—
Prestidigitation |
Diabolo Play
Diabolos |
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